Category Overview
The State Lands Restoration and Enhancement category provides funding to two state agencies to help repair damaged plant and animal habitat. These grants focus on resource preservation and protection of public lands. Projects in this category help bring important natural areas and resources back to their original functions by improving the self sustaining and ecological functionality of sites.
Project Highlights
The Washington Department of Natural Resources used this grant to restore the hydrology and vegetation of the meadow areas of Trout Lake Natural Area Preserve. Trout Lake Natural Area Preserve is located along Trout Lake Creek in Klickitat County. This project included blocking 500 feet of old irrigation ditch in the east meadow area and removing 900 feet of an old access road on the western part of the preserve. Weed control measures including herbicide treatments, mowing and weed cloth were conducted on 40 acres to allow native species to reestablish in the meadow. The ditch, old road and portions of the meadow were planted with 7700 native species. The Trout Lake wetland system contains the second largest of the four known Washington populations of the Oregon Spotted Frog, a state sensitive species. Sandhill Cranes, a state endangered species, use this site as a staging area and potential nesting area.