Category Overview
Local Parks grants help protect these symbols of vibrant communities, providing places for families to gather and play and promoting a healthy and active lifestyle in an era when people spend increasing amounts of their time inside. The WWRP is the largest source of local parks funding in Washington, helping communities fund the acquisition, development, and renovation of vital recreation areas and green spaces.
Project Highlights
The project constructed one (1) new wheelchair accessible ‘ability’ ball field for use by baseball and softball players with disabilities & mobility impairment. The completed field includes 12,100 square feet of wheelchair accessible synthetic field surfacing, two (2) 300 square foot wheelchair accessible ‘dugouts’ with team benches and removable fabric shades, 390 lineal feet of 4′ tall chain link perimeter & outfield fencing, 45 lineal feet of 24′ tall backstop, two (2) 20′ tall foul poles, a 4,000 square foot concrete viewing area for spectators, two (2) ADA accessible aluminum bleachers capable of seating up to 44 spectators each, one (1) electronic scoreboard with remote control, one (1) masonry dedication monument, and two (2) trash receptacles. An extensive subsurface drainage system was constructed beneath the synthetic field surfacing to collect water and convey it away from the field and into an infiltration drywell within the park. The drainage system ensures the field is playable play during or shortly after rain events. To support the ball field and surrounding park, the project installed one (1) new pre-manufactured concrete 4 stall restroom with one (1) ADA accessible exterior wall mounted drinking fountain. To facilitate access to the new ball field and adjacent park amenities, a new van-accessible paved drop off area and vehicular turnaround was installed immediately southwest of the ball field. The adjacent parking lot was also expanded to add three (3) additional ADA parking stalls, for a total of four (4) ADA stalls. Several vehicular ‘bollards’ where installed along the perimeter of the drop off area to prohibit unauthorized vehicle access into the park. All bollards were installed to maintain the appropriate clear space for wheelchairs. Pedestrian access throughout the park was extensively improved by the addition of 1,300 lineal feet of ADA accessible, 6′ wide walkway throughout the park. The new walkway provided ADA accessible connections from the new parking and dropoff area to the new ability ballfield, new restroom, existing playground, existing splash pad, existing centennial trail, existing tennis courts, existing basketball court and existing parking lot in the Northeast corner of the park. All landscape and irrigation systems impacted by the construction of project amenities were adjusted and/or repaired to create a seamless transition between new and existing park elements. The project scope installed all components included in the initial grant agreement, and added approximately 300 lineal feet of concrete walkway and one (1) fully electronic scoreboard.