Category Overview
Local Parks grants help protect these symbols of vibrant communities, providing places for families to gather and play and promoting a healthy and active lifestyle in an era when people spend increasing amounts of their time inside. The WWRP is the largest source of local parks funding in Washington, helping communities fund the acquisition, development, and renovation of vital recreation areas and green spaces.
Project Highlights
Construction of a skate park in which skateboarders, scooters, and inline skaters may practice and develop their skills. Presently there are no skateparks or areas where skating is allowed within a 40 mile radius. The lack of a facility generates damage and public nuisance. This skate park, in addition to providing much needed recreation, will foster relations between area youth, businesses, homeowners, and law enforcement. Phase 1 development will take the form of an outdoor skatepark consisting of a series of ramps, benches, and other elements specific to these alternative sports. Future phases of the project will include the addition of other skating apparatus and park amenities. The skatepark will be free to the public and its design will accommodate both beginning and more experienced skates. This safe, drug free environment will make use of the existing E.J. Miller Park facilities which includes parking, lighting, and restroom. It is important to note that the skatepark will be constructed of concrete which is low maintenance. This is a partnership project between Prosser Kiwanis Club, the city of Prosser, and the private sector. By serving as a popular recreation center, the skatepark will combat the lack of youth recreational opportunities in a rural setting which includes migrant and low income families. Our vision is a skatepark that will provide a safe place for all youth to use and enjoy for many years to come.