Category Overview
Local Parks grants help protect these symbols of vibrant communities, providing places for families to gather and play and promoting a healthy and active lifestyle in an era when people spend increasing amounts of their time inside. The WWRP is the largest source of local parks funding in Washington, helping communities fund the acquisition, development, and renovation of vital recreation areas and green spaces.
Project Highlights
King County developed a major trailhead and provided trail improvements at Pinnacle Peak Park, a 256-acre forested site in south King County. This project provided trailhead parking for the existing trailhead on the south side of the park. Prior to the development of the parking lot and connector trail, park patrons utilized the road shoulder of SE Mud Mountain Road for parking. The new parking lot provides 53 car stalls, 3 of which are ADA accessible, and 10 equestrian trailer stalls, 1 of which is ADA accessible. A concrete trailhead plaza was constructed adjacent to the parking lot which included a vault restroom building, a kiosk, two picnic tables, two equestrian hitching posts, trash receptacles, bollards and a trail connection from the parking lot to the existing trail system. The trail connection, which is approximately 580 feet long, includes the construction of a 6 foot wide wooden bridge that crosses the wetland. Signage was installed, including four interpretive signs, regulatory and wayfinding signs. In preparation of the improvements, a cultural resource survey was completed. The construction of the parking lot included landscaping, paint striping, concrete wheel stops, stormwater filter strips, catch basins, and infiltration trenches. Three acres of restoration planting and temporary irrigation was installed on the project site, east of the parking lot. Approximately 2,450 linear feet of two rail fencing, boulders, and two (2) metal gates were also installed around the perimeter of the project site for access control.