Category Overview
Conserving land along our waterways protects important habitat and helps keep our rivers healthy, clean, and more resilient to drought. Riparian Protection projects conserve and restore fresh and saltwater habitat while protecting fish habitat. In doing so, the grants help provide our families, farms, and fisheries with clean water across the state.
Project Highlights
The Department of Fish and Wildlife will use this grant to purchase 3.8 acres along the Naches River, begin initial restoration, and incorporate the land into the Oak Creek Wildlife Area. Oak Flats is riparian and floodplain habitat near the confluence of the Naches and Tieton Rivers. This reach of the river is important habitat for at-risk salmon species including bull trout and summer steelhead. Acquisition would protect habitat including channel migration zones along a reach of the Naches River that is often confined by U.S. Route 12.