Category Overview
The State Lands Restoration and Enhancement category provides funding to two state agencies to help repair damaged plant and animal habitat. These grants focus on resource preservation and protection of public lands. Projects in this category help bring important natural areas and resources back to their original functions by improving the self sustaining and ecological functionality of sites.
Project Highlights
ADMIRALTY INLET NAP – RARE NATIVE PRAIRIES EXPANSION WDNR RCO #16-2011 R Prairie Unit #1 2018: The area for future restoration was treated by using the herbicide glyphosate to kill all vegetation. The area was treated twice, once in the spring and once again in late summer 2018. Between treatments the area was lightly tilled. The second treatment killed any residual weeds. The total area treated was about 1.7 acres. During the period from October 15 to November 5, 2018, 15,669 plugs, bulbs and bare root individuals of 16 prairie plant species were planted in a 600 square meter plot located in the previous treated restoration areas. In addition, 7,182 individuals of 10 prairie species were planted in former restoration areas to help augment the native diversity of those plots. On November 27, 2018, about 1 lb. of seeds of 17 species of prairie forbs were seeded over about 0.5 acre of the restoration treatment area. It was seeded with a Taylor spreader towed behind an ATV. Two separate passes were made with the spreader, one for small seeds, and one for larger seeds. Seeds were mixed in two batches with about 1 cu foot of vermiculite per batch (total 2.0 cu ft.) prior to spreading. Upon completion of seeding, the plot was rolled with a 250 Lb. steel roller to press the seeds into the soil. 2019: The area for planned restoration in 2019 was treated by using the herbicide glyphosate to kill all vegetation. The area was treated twice, once in the spring and once again in late summer. The second treatment killed any residual weeds. The total area treated was about 1.2 acres. During the period from October 21 to November 6, 2019, 8,330 plugs, bulbs and bare root individuals of 13 prairie plant species were planted in a 300 square meter plot located in the newly treated restoration area. In the 2018 seeded area (see above), 3,600 plugs of red fescue were planted to augment the existing native forbs. In addition, 4,050 plugs of red fescue were planted at the northern end of the prairie unit to augment existing forbs in 2 prior restoration plots. 2,067 individuals from 9 prairie forb species were planted in in 2 prior restoration areas to help augment the native diversity of those plots. Total augmentation area was about 2 acres. The total number of individuals (plugs, bulbs, bare root) planted was 18,047. On November 13, 2019, seeds of 9 species of prairie plants were seeded over about 1.2 acres of the restoration treatment area. It was seeded with a Taylor spreader towed behind an ATV. Three separate passes were made with the spreader. Seeds were mixed with about 3 cu. ft of vermiculite to prevent clumping prior to spreading. 4,122 grams of seed were spread (a little over 9 lbs.). Upon completion of seeding, the plot was rolled with a 250 Lb. roller to press the seeds into the soil. Prairie Unit #2 2018: On October 22, 2018, 965 individual plugs were planted at the 0.5 acre Bluff Unit restoration area to increase numbers of 5 prairie species: golden paintbrush, scarlet paintbrush, showy fleabane, Oregon sunshine and purple sanicle. 2019: On November 6, 2019, 1,931 individuals (plugs or bulbs) were planted at the 0.5 acre Bluff Unit restoration area to increase numbers of 5 prairie species: golden paintbrush, scarlet paintbrush, checker lily, Oregon sunshine and harvest brodiaea Yearly Summary 2018: 23,816 individuals of 16 prairie species were planted in the two prairie units. About 1 pound of seed comprising 17 different species was seeded into the prepared seeding restoration plot. 2019: 19,978 individuals (plugs, bulbs, bare root) were planted in the two prairie units including a new restoration plot and augmentation of 5 prior restoration plots. Just over 9 lbs. of forb and grass seed was seeded in a new 1.2 acre restoration plot. Overall Project Summary A total of 43,794 individuals (plugs, bulbs bare root) of 16 prairie species were planted in the two prairie units. A total of 10 lbs. of seeds comprised of 17 native species were seeded over 2 acres. Over the span of the project, restoration activities of all kinds occurred on nearly 5 acres.