Category Overview
State Parks grants help preserve and develop our state’s best outdoor recreation areas by funding new campgrounds and amenities to increase the capacity of our parks, creating new parks, improving park resources, and protecting historical areas. These grants help our state continue to develop our world-class parks system to share our cultural heritage and natural treasures with all of its visitors.
Project Highlights
This proposal will establish a general project to be used to acquire properties when time is of the essence or there is an opportunity to multiply state funds with outside matching funds. Each site will be a unique opportunity. They will be connected with an existing site, and enhance the site by providing additional public use or conservation opportunities or by protecting against incompatible development. In the 1995-97 biennium this fund source purchased the following properties: Birch Bay boat launch, Jackson House day use property, Beacon Rock camping access, Olmsted Place parking improvements, Rainbow Falls camping property. Projects that could benefit from this current fund source in the 1997-99 biennium could include: Horsethief Lake, Beacon Rock, Riverside, Wallace Falls, Iron Horse, Moran, and Kanaskat-Palmer.