Category Overview
Local Parks grants help protect these symbols of vibrant communities, providing places for families to gather and play and promoting a healthy and active lifestyle in an era when people spend increasing amounts of their time inside. The WWRP is the largest source of local parks funding in Washington, helping communities fund the acquisition, development, and renovation of vital recreation areas and green spaces.
Project Highlights
The Titlow Park renovation/expansion project will provide new opportunity for park users and increase the usability of existing facilities. Currently this 58 acre park with approximately 2,300 lineal feet of waterfront has only one designated access to the water. The project will provide shoreline protection and two additional access points from the uplands to the tidelands; one of these will also provide an opportunity for car-top boat launching. Upland work will include the renovation of an existing turf ballfield area with new irrigation and turf, construction of a new picnic shelter, installation of playground equipment and park trail rehabilitation.