Category Overview
Local Parks grants help protect these symbols of vibrant communities, providing places for families to gather and play and promoting a healthy and active lifestyle in an era when people spend increasing amounts of their time inside. The WWRP is the largest source of local parks funding in Washington, helping communities fund the acquisition, development, and renovation of vital recreation areas and green spaces.
Project Highlights
This project renovated the Southeast Youth Sports Complex to expand play field capacity, replace and upgrade a restroom facility and playground, provide ADA access to the new park improvements, install a new paved park perimeter trail, improved 1 block of city street and associated street landscape as required to improve access to the new park facilities, installed a number of new tree plantings for shade, and renovated an aging irrigation system to improve turf quality. The project replaced 3 aging softball fields and associated support facilities (hardscape, fencing, etc) with new turf grass fields capable of accommodating 3 full size soccer fields or up to 6 turf multi-purpose fields. An existing dilapidated restroom was replaced with a brand new, fully ADA accessible, 4 stall manufactured concrete restroom building and associated water, sewer, and electric utilities. The new playground more than doubled the size of the previous play area and installed features 6 new pieces of play equipment designed to provide play opportunities for both the 2-5 year old age group and the 5-12 age group. Specific play equipment components placed are (2) new post and deck structures, a 6 bay swing set (2 toddler bays, 4 child bays), 2 climbers, and spin cup. Poured in place rubberized fall protection surfacing was installed to the play area (rather than engineered wood fibers) to improve access and durability of the play area. Immediately adjacent the playground are a number of new site furnishings, including a new shade structure with picnic tables, several benches, bicycle racks, and trash receptacles. A new electric service and several light fixtures were installed around the new park improvements to improve safety and security. Connecting the playground, shelter, and restroom is a new 8 foot wide concrete walkway providing an ADA compliant connection from the new park amenities to the adjacent city sidewalk and on-street parking. A new 12 foot wide paved trail extends from the playground southward along the perimeter of the park, providing a new park walkway for park users. Just north of the playground the project improved approximately 1 block of unimproved gravel roadway to create a fully curbed, paved and striped roadway to reduce dust, control traffic, treat storm water runoff, buffer the road with new landscape, and provide on-street parking for the new park improvements.