Category Overview
Urban Wildlife Habitat projects fund close-to-home places to play and explore nature. As our urban areas are increasingly expanding and densifying, these grants protect important fish and wildlife habitat within five miles of densely populated areas, creating green refuges that help keep our ecosystems healthy and provide places to enjoy nature right in our backyards.
Project Highlights
This project involved the acquisition of 120.30 acres of wetland/upland habitat adjacent to 837 acres of wetland/upland habitat currently owned by Snohomish County and managed by the Snohomish County Parks Department. The Snohomish River Estuary System is managed for wildlife habitat, passive recreation, and outdoor education purposes. On November 19, 2004 and as amended August 2, 2005, the RCO director approved a conversion allowing Snohomish County to grant an easement to Northwest Pipeline Corporation. The conversion was mitigated with the acquisition of replacement property (the Rawlins property) valued in excess of the easement granted. The replacement property is 0.26 acre adjacent to the Centennial Trail and will provided wooded buffer space for trail users. The legal description for the replacement property is captured in that Deed of Right recorded in the Snohomish County Auditor’s Office on December 13, 2005 under Auditor File No. 200512131249. Amendment #5 to the grant project agreement reflects the easement conversion and the new replacement property.