Puget Lowland Forest Restoration

Category Overview

The State Lands Restoration and Enhancement category provides funding to two state agencies to help repair damaged plant and animal habitat. These grants focus on resource preservation and protection of public lands. Projects in this category help bring important natural areas and resources back to their original functions by improving the self sustaining and ecological functionality of sites.

Project Highlights

Department of Natural Resources will use this grant to restore 460 acres of lowland forests at Dabob Bay Natural Area and Schumacher Creek Natural Area Preserve. Restoration will include variable density thinning of young, artificially-regenerated forest stands, planting of under-represented tree and shrub species, and control of key invasive plants. These efforts will restore the successional trajectory of these forest communities to allow for more natural development of forest conditions and accelerated development of important habitat features such as large trees, snags, and down wood. This will greatly enhance the diversity of these forest communities, improving the quality and quantity of habitat for wildlife. The primary habitat type restored through this grant is lowland forest.

Quick Facts

WWRP Applicant: Natural Resources Dept of Category: State Lands Restoration & Enhancement WWRP Grant: $144,750.00 Applicant Match: $0.00 Project Type: Restoration County: Jefferson, Mason Legislative District: 24, 35 Status: Active RCO Project # 20-1629

Location Details


What is the WWRP

The Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program (WWRP) is a state grant program that creates and conserves local and state parks, wildlife habitat and working farms. The Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office administers WWRP grants, and the legislature funds the program.