Category Overview
Trails grants help communities and recreation areas fund the creation and improvement of trails for walking, hiking, cycling, horseback riding, and cross-country skiing. These grants help make communities more livable, create regional trails systems, and open up beautiful outdoor spaces for people to enjoy. WWRP is the largest source of trail support in the state of Washington.
Project Highlights
This Project removed an aging sub-standard 160 foot long arched pedestrian bridge and replaced it with a new 140 foot long shared-use non-motorized wooden bridge with an accessible flat 12-foot wide deck. Included was an additional 250 feet of ADA compliant approaches to provide a fully accessible crossing over the Sammamish River in the Park at Bothell Landing. This crossing now provides improved regional trail connectivity for pedestrian and bicyclists from the Sammamish River Trail to Downtown Bothell. The Project work included installation of large woody debris at three nearby locations on the southern river bank to provide wetland mitigation and fish and wildlife habitat. Mitigation plantings were also included with the Project work within the 0.65+/- acres of ground disturbance. The Project work was approved and permitted to prevent adversely affecting Puget Sound Chinook salmon, Puget Sound steelhead trout and other regional fishery essential fish habitat.