Category Overview
State Parks grants help preserve and develop our state’s best outdoor recreation areas by funding new campgrounds and amenities to increase the capacity of our parks, creating new parks, improving park resources, and protecting historical areas. These grants help our state continue to develop our world-class parks system to share our cultural heritage and natural treasures with all of its visitors.
Project Highlights
The Green River Gorge was established as a state conservation area by the Washington State Legislature in 1969. RCW 79A.05.700 declares the Gorge to be of statewide significance, and directs purchase of “a twelve mile strip incorporating the visual basins of the Green River from the Kummer Bridge to Palmer. . .” Agency planning efforts that included significant public participation developed a prioritized listing for acquisition of the remaining parcels. Progress has been made each funding cycle, making modifications as needed to respond to market realities in the area. Initial target parcels proposed for acquisition in the 2005-07 biennium include the Beckord parcel, Church parcel, and the Kombol easement.