Category Overview
Local Parks grants help protect these symbols of vibrant communities, providing places for families to gather and play and promoting a healthy and active lifestyle in an era when people spend increasing amounts of their time inside. The WWRP is the largest source of local parks funding in Washington, helping communities fund the acquisition, development, and renovation of vital recreation areas and green spaces.
Project Highlights
Benton City Council was approached by the youth for the construction of a skate park. The Council approved the idea and has dedicated a portion of an existing city park for the proposed site. The local asphalt company has since offered to donate labor and equipment to perform all of the necessary earthwork on the project, which the City has opted to use for the local match. The skate facility will consist of an 80’x120′ multi-level concrete slab. Proposed obstacles include rails, stairs, half-pipe and quarter pipe ramps and other assortment of ramps that will be movable. Other amenities to the facility include lighting, minor landscaping, fencing, walkway, signage and benches. City Council, along with the youths, are currently gathering more money through a brick drive. Each donator will have an inscription engraved on a brick that will be incorporated into the pathway to the skate facility.