Category Overview
Washington is famous for its gorgeous and abundant waterways, from the Salish Sea to the Nisqually River, but many communities lack open public beaches and waterfronts where everyone can enjoy picnicking, swimming, paddling, boating, and angling. Water Access projects fund public shoreline access, boat launches, and fishing docks to create more opportunities for water recreation.
Project Highlights
This project will develop access to Port Townsend Bay on a parcel acquired with previous WWRP grant funding. The two-acre site, purchased in 2000, fronts a popular, heavily trafficked, but underutilized downtown beach in the heart of Port Townsend’s National Landmark Historic District. The beach is adjacent to the site of the future Northwest Maritime Center. Water access will be substantially improved through construction of 1) a 14-ft wide public boardwalk along the beach; 2) a hand boat launch and pedestrian ADA ramp to the beach; 3) sitting and walking steps to the beach; 4) a kayak and small-boat staging platform; and 5) beach ecological improvements. Paved areas connecting Water Street to the public boardwalk will facilitate use of and access to a 20,000-sq-ft outdoor commons area, a public dock including kayak/dinghy floats, and the Port of Port Townsend’s jetty walkway facility.