Category Overview
Trails grants help communities and recreation areas fund the creation and improvement of trails for walking, hiking, cycling, horseback riding, and cross-country skiing. These grants help make communities more livable, create regional trails systems, and open up beautiful outdoor spaces for people to enjoy. WWRP is the largest source of trail support in the state of Washington.
Project Highlights
This 2.5 mile pedestrian trail will be 6-8 feet wide and consist of a 6″ compacted gravel base, creating a firm and wheelchair accessible walking path. Project limits extend north from Silverdale Wetlands and south to Dyes Inlet (Old Mill Site Park); both WWRP funded projects. Wheelchair accessible boardwalk (6′ width) will be constructed to cross wetlands or environmentally sensitive areas. Porcelain enamel interpretive signs will be appropriately placed along the trail.