Category Overview
State Parks grants help preserve and develop our state’s best outdoor recreation areas by funding new campgrounds and amenities to increase the capacity of our parks, creating new parks, improving park resources, and protecting historical areas. These grants help our state continue to develop our world-class parks system to share our cultural heritage and natural treasures with all of its visitors.
Project Highlights
This project will acquire two parcels in the Green River Gorge. The first parcel is approximately 114 acres owned by Plum Creek Timber Company, including the entire south bank of the Green River in section 9. This parcel will complete state ownership along the south bank of the Green River from the Kanaskat-Palmer area to the Jellum site. The second parcel is approximately 30 acres owned by Palmer Coking Coal Co. This parcel serves to support a possible trail corridor along the east side of the gorge as well as a connection to the trail to Nolte State Park.