Category Overview
Local Parks grants help protect these symbols of vibrant communities, providing places for families to gather and play and promoting a healthy and active lifestyle in an era when people spend increasing amounts of their time inside. The WWRP is the largest source of local parks funding in Washington, helping communities fund the acquisition, development, and renovation of vital recreation areas and green spaces.
Project Highlights
The goal of this project is to expand Mathison Park from a one-acre playground to its full 5.3 acres by constructing the trail system and picnic areas called for in the park master plan. City-wide, Burien needs to develop over 50 acres of neighborhood park space. This expansion project will provide 4.3 acres of needed park space to a low income neighborhood with no other park or school facilities for recreation. This is the first park on the east side of the city and the largest neighborhood park in Burien. By developing the trail system and picnic areas, we will create access throughout the park property and provide two of the top four park enhancement priorities requested by citizens in the Community Survey conducted earlier this year. This project will provide an ADA accessible trail through the length of the park, accessible view points of Mount Rainier, a looping interpretive trail suitable for exercisers, picnic areas along the trails, invasive plant removal and native revegetation.