Sign on to protect LWCF so that this important program can continue to protect and preserve America’s public lands.
LWCF champion Senator Maria Cantwell recently spoke during the opening session of the Energy Bill Conference Committee, which will attempt to resolve differences between the House and Senate energy bills.
Cantwell highlighted the bipartisan cooperation that led to the passge of a strong Senate energy bill, which includes the permanent authorization of the LWC.
While reauthorization of the program passed the Senate, it did not pass the House, and is now on a shorter list of issues that MUST be addressed before the end of this Congress. And while it is currently part of the Energy Bill Conference Committee, it could also be included on any other legislative vehicle that is moving at the end of the Congressional session – such as an Omnibus funding bill or other large package that comes together after the election.
“Let’s work together to get a policy that can move us forward,” said Cantwell. We couldn’t agree more, and are continuously grateful to the Senator for her strong commitment to preserving LWCF.
Want to share your support for LWCF? Add your voice to the chorus of advocates by signing this LWCF Coalition Sign-on Letter today. Your strong support is critical to ensuring that LWCF will continue to permanently open access to America’s public lands and protect the places where Americans go to enjoy the great outdoors.
You can sign onto and access the letter here: http://bit.ly/LWCFsignon
Note: The text of the letter can be viewed the text of the letter at the bottom of the form.