Bipartisan leaders came together on Monday to talk about the importance of fully funding the Land and Water Conservation Fund.
This past Monday, the Coalition and many of our partners in Washington state’s conservation and recreation community attended an event to recognize the important work being done by the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF).
The event was held at in Gas Works Park and included remarks by Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell, Senator Maria Cantwell, Congressman Dave Reichert, Jim Whittaker, and CEO of Outdoor Research Dan Nordstrom.
The event offered our partners a chance to support LWCF and thank members of the Washington delegation and Secretary Jewell for supporting public lands. A follow-up ad (pictured above) was also placed in The Seattle Times, thanking Jewell, Cantwell, and Reichert for their continued support of the program.
Check out the Live Stream of the event on Cantwell’s Facebook page.
Select quotes from the elected officials at Monday’s event:
“Land and Water Conservation Fund has put about $660 million into the state of Washington since 1964. Some of that is for local programs like here at Gasworks Park, funds that have been matched by local money like the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program.”
“Bottom line is: your voices are important. We are growing as a people, our children are more disconnected from nature than ever before, and it is places like Gasworks Park, Magnuson Park, and our beautiful public lands that give those breathing spaces for young people to play. LWCF is critical to that effort."
"We’re here at Gasworks Park because it is one of the many outdoor places that wouldn’t be here today without the Land and Water Conservation Fund. This park is a national and international model for why it is important to have open space.”
“The LWCF has been one of our most nation’s most popular programs for parks, forest areas, public lands, and other iconic places. It has provided great recreational opportunities for hunting, fishing, hiking. Whether you’re on vacation or you just want to come get an outdoor experience, that’s what LWCF provides.”
“We need to get more than just a short term authorization, and we need to get more funding.”
“The proof is in the pudding – we are all here together. Things can be accomplished in Congress when you have people who are willing and committed to getting good things done for the people of Washington state and across the country. Maria Cantwell is one of those people. This is a common sense project that we have supported together.”
“It’s more important today than ever for us to be working together. ”
“Places like Gasworks Park, Alpine Lakes, and Mount Rainier National Park bring family and community together. It gives people a chance to come together, visit with each other, talk to each other…it gives us an opportunity to reconnect with what really matters, which is people and family. It would be irresponsible for us to not protect these things we have here, because it means so much to the people who live here, who are moving here, to my grandkids.”