We have completed nine weeks of REI’s Opt to Act Plan! If you have not been keeping up with us so far, the Opt to Act Plan is 52 simple weekly challenges to reduce your impact, get active, and leave the world better than you found it.

Week #6: We got familiar with our local recycling and composting options, learning what we can and CANNOT, throw in our curbside recycling bins. Putting something that is not recyclable does more harm than throwing it away! We also learned you CAN recycle that plastic film which seems to be everywhere, by bringing it to your nearest drop-off location.

Week #7: Did you know there is a very convenient way to recycle those pesky snack wrappers that you find in all your pockets after outdoor adventures? And you can do it while picking up all your outdoor gear needs for thenext adventure! Just take them to your local REI and they’ll do the rest for you!
Week #8: We celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy by serving others and were fortunate enough to be able to spend 19 hours volunteering with Outdoors For All in the month of January.
Week #9: We didn’t realize how hard it would be to go paperless for one day this week. We bring our laptops to meetings to take notes on Asana-created agendas, we pay most of our bills online, we’ve opted out of junk mail, but sometimes you just can’t get away from sending a document to the printer. Our solution: try to work from home once a week, reducing our carbon footprint during the workday by not printing and commuting.
If you would like to follow our Opt to Act journey you can find us on Instagram and Facebook and please share your Opt to Act stories with us!