The Whatcom Land Trust has purchased 11.5 acres of land in the Drayton Harbor Watershed in Birch Bay, and hope to acquire WWRP funding to help turn it into a park.
Excerpt: “Whatcom Land Trust has sought after the property since 2009. At the time, staff with the organization attempted to purchase it and convert it to a nature preserve, but was never able to obtain crucial funding from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Epperson said. Last fall, the property owner approached the trust again with hopes it would become a public asset.
Now with three years to pay off The Conservation Fund loan, Whatcom Land Trust is after a funding from a variety of sources, including from The Washington Wildlife Recreation Program and Aquatic Lands Protection grants. Since they have the parks district on board, they can focus on obtaining funding for recreational use.”
Read the full article in The Northern Light.