Read an editorial in the Methow Valley News by Paul Butler about a missed opportunity to lobby Governor Christine Gregoire not to eliminate the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program (WWRP).
Excerpt: “Mainly, I would have told her, despite this state’s budget woes, not to eliminate or suspend funding for the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program. This 30-year successful program was highlighted in June by the committee on Transforming Washington’s Budget as the kind of program that could be put on the chopping block.
What a mistake this would be come next summer if the governor signs the 2011-2013 budget without the full $100 million in WWRP funding. The reasons this program has been wildly successful are too numerous to list here, but the short of it is that the WWRP ensures quality of life, habitat restoration, recreation opportunities and quality investments for future generations, while leveraging federal dollars to maximize the return.”