House and Senate Release Operating Budget Proposals

March 25, 2025

The House and Senate released their operating budget proposals yesterday, proposing several funds and cuts for government agencies in our State.  We’ve been on pins and needles awaiting the details and how the anticipated cuts would affect our support agenda.  We have some insight now, and we have both challenges to address and work to do!  

Most notably, we are seeing reduced amounts proposed on most support agenda operating items when compared to Governor Inslee’s budget back in December.  Governor Ferguson had proposed his own cuts in late February—however none of those directly affected the WWRC’s support agenda items.  The updated proposed budgets tell a different story:  

  1. Drastic changes are proposed in funding for the No Child Left Inside Program: The Senate’s proposed operating budget completely cuts the program.  The House has reduced funding by 25%.  This funding provides organizations with dollars that go directly towards youth programming, particularly serving underserved youth. We will collaborate with the Wilderness Society to support them in their effort to fund this crucial and already over-subscribed program to provide youth with outdoor learning programs and opportunities. 
  2. The State Tribal Recreation Impacts initiative amounts were reduced. 
  3. Funding addressing ADA compliance at State Parks was reduced slightly in the Senate budget. 
  4. The Senate operating budget reduced funding for the Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Forest Health (already was cut in Governor Inslee’s proposal).
  5. The Operations & Maintenance funding for backlogged maintenance projects was maintained at the previously proposed cut of 25% at all agencies, with the House proposing some redistributions of revenue to help address these cuts.

Overall, the newly released budget matches what we’ve heard since the funding deficits were announced earlier this year.  Legislators have had to make tough decisions, and we’re certainly seeing, and expecting the impact.  We now eagerly await the release of the Capital Budget, with trepidation but still a good dose of optimism to see how WWRP funding level will stack up, as well as all the other Capital Budget items on our agenda.   Stay tuned for updates as we enter the next crucial phase of our advocacy work in Olympia and preparing for testimony next week.