Forestland Preservation grants help improve opportunities for forest management activity and improve the long-term growth and harvest of timber. These projects help protect many different kinds of forests, including, but not limited to, large-scale industrial forests, small private landowner forests, community forests, and tribally – or publicly-owned and managed forests.
This month’s featured project is Kristoferson Farm- Working Forest, located on the ancestral land of the sqaǰətabš (Upper Skagit), dxʷlilap (Tulalip), Cayuse, Umatilla and Walla Walla, Hul’qumi’num Treaty Group, and the KiKiallus people. The Whidbey Camano Land Trust leveraged WWRP Working Forest grant funds with federal and local grants, and on February 15, 2023, it recorded a perpetual working forest conservation easement on approximately 110 acres of the Kristoferson Farm on Camano Island. A WWRP Farmland CE was registered on the 122 agricultural acres of the property.