As the bounty of summer produce fills local farmers markets, we turn our focus to the Farmland Preservation category of the WWRP. Farmland Preservation grants protect valuable, productive farmland and habitat for salmon and other species. These projects allow families to continue farming the land they have worked on for generations, and provide Washingtonians with healthy local food and a diverse economy. WWRP is the only source of farmland preservation funding in the state budget.
This month’s featured project is Serendipity Farm in Jefferson County. Coalition partner Jefferson Land Trust received a $106,600 grant to acquire a permanent conservation easement on Serendipity Farm in Quilcene. Serendipity Farm is a successful small farm that produces diverse products for local farmers markets, restaurants, and CSA customers. This funding will allow the farmers to grow their business and prevent future conversion and development.
Conservation of this historic farm will help preserve the prime soils and habitat on nearly 45 acres, including 30 acres of prime pastureland, 8 acres of vegetables, berries, fruit trees, and flowers, and more than 5 acres of restored riparian habitat. Coho salmon and cutthroat trout use the restored stream and drainage ditches on the farm.
Thanks to the WWRP, residents will continue to enjoy the scenic, rural vistas of the area, the agricultural community will remain viable, and a local family will be able to continue farming.